terça-feira, 1 de maio de 2012

Diego vs Tallest

Today i listened for the first time to a guy called The tallest man on earth. It was is song named Where do my bluebird fly. I really like the song. It was performed live, in Sydney. But  while i was listening and looking at his face, my surprise grew bigger and bigger , because i thought that he was a portuguese street singer who went to a talent show. And i was just  thinking, wow, this Diego man fooled us all, he´s getting outdoors  attention and playing in Sydney and Seattle!! I had to do some quick research, to find out  it was a swedish singer all along. ahhhh! but i keep thinking they kind of resemble, both in looks and voice, and how i wish this Diego, country boy, portuguese farmer could be successful too. Well, he´s got everything, i really think he´s  talented and he deserves to achieve many good things in music. If i was a manager, i´m sure i would love to represent him. I definitely would.

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